Terms of Service

These Terms of Service and all supplemental terms, as amended from time to time (“Terms and Conditions” or “Agreement”), govern your use of this website and any product, service, memberships, subscriptions, and content offered by UnitedThemes that you access, download, accept, purchase, or otherwise use, from or through this website (collectively, the “Service”). If additional terms, licenses, or other agreements apply to any Service used or purchased by you, those additional terms and/or agreements govern your use of the Service as well.

These Terms of Service, as well as Privacy Policy, form legally binding contracts between you and UnitedThemes.

UnitedThemes reserves the right to update and change the Terms and Conditions from time to time without notice. Any new features that augment or enhance the current Service, including the release of new features and resources, shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions. Continued use of the Service after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes. You can review the most current version of the Terms and Conditions at any time at this URL: https://unitedtheme.com/terms-of-service/. You agree to check the Terms and Conditions periodically for new information and terms that govern your use of the Service. Violation of any of the terms below will result in the termination of your right to use the Service and of your Membership, if applicable. You agree to use the Service at your own risk.


Our themes are developed under the GNU general public license v2.0.

All premium licenses costs $56 USD (United States Dollar) per theme and come with the right to use that theme on an unlimited number of websites, future upgrades and 1 years worth of access to support.

A yearly subscription gives you access to all premium themes for use on an unlimited number of websites. You will have access to support for as long as your subscription is active.


Our products are designed to function properly with the latest version of WordPress and it is our job to make sure they do so. We cannot guarantee they will work properly on older installations of WordPress. We cannot guarantee the compatibility of our products with all third party software and plugins. If a conflict does arise, we will do our best resolve the situation. Moreover, we cannot guarantee our products will function correctly after modification to the code, or a failure to install the theme, plugin, or WordPress properly.


We want you to be completely happy with your purchase. If you have any questions, concerns, or problems, please log into your AudioTheme account to contact support.

If you’re not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, we want to make things right. Within 30 days of any purchase, we will refund the full price you paid upon request. Simply contact us via our contact form and let us know you’d like a refund. No refunds are provided after more than 30 days following purchase.

Due to the nature of digital goods, we recognize that this policy can be abused, and reserve the right to refuse refunds if we determine the refund policy is being taken advantage of.


Our order process is conducted by our online reseller Paddle.com. Paddle.com is the Merchant of Record for all our orders. Paddle provides all customer service inquiries and handles returns.